Microplastic Ferrofluid
Many products have been created from organic materials (i.e. micro plastics) to ensure that every day activities are made easier and more accessible in order to support the growing population on Earth. However, we are now in need of innovative projects to help reverse the damage that has been caused from such human activity.
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“ The Magnetic Ferrofluid invention created by Fionn Fereira helps solve the problem micro plastics cause to the environment and to society.”
Microplastics are small pieces of plastic less than 5mm long. These microplastics are used in many everyday items such as clothing, hygiene products, and cosmetics. Microplastics can also be made unintentionally as the plastic degrades over years. It takes between 450 to 1000 years for microplastics to completely degrade. This causes a build up of plastic pollution in the environment and the ocean as around 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year and 14 million of these tons end up in the ocean (Rogers, Kara). Moreover, because of their small size, microplastics are able to pass through water filtration systems.
Microplastics consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms that bond together to form polymer chains. The reason these Microplastics are so harmful is because they also contain other chemicals such as phthalates and tetrabromobisphenol. These chemicals seep out of the plastic and into the environment. They damage the ecosystems and marine animals by causing harm to their fertility, growth and survival (Moore, Sarah).When animals ingest microplastics either directly or through the food chain, the microplastic can cause damage to their internal tissues, lungs and the liver. Not only that, but both animals and humans inadvertently consume them.According to a study done by the University of New Castle a human consumes an average of 5 grams of Microplastics per week. The risk of microplastics on human health has not yet reached a conclusion however, it may cause a risk to our public health and food safety. Some studies show that microplastics could also cause harm to a human's fetal development and could cause heart diseases and cancer (Science Learning Hub). Moreover, when the plastic degrades, it releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which not only greatly impacts climate change, but also affects the flow of carbon in the ocean because planktons that have been contaminated with microplastics are not able to capture carbon dioxide as effectively using photosynthesis. This is harming the amount of carbon in the ocean and therefore the sea temperature (Seas at Risk).
Fionn Ferreira found a solution to removing Microplastic from the ocean, inspired by seeing plastic stuck in oil spills. By mixing vegetable oil with iron oxide powder he was able to create ferrofluid. Ferrofluid is a type of liquid which becomes highly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. The way it works is that microplastics are attracted to the ferrofluid because they have similar properties and so they attach to the liquid so that a magnet can then extract and separate them. This happens because microplastics are hydrophobic and oils have a high percentage of Oleic acid so they are a good surfactant for ferrofluid dispersed in hydrophobic solvent (Martinez, and Kim). On a larger scale, Ferreira is creating a magnetic device that would be inserted inside water pipes and ships and the microplastics would be removed as the water flowed through the devices (Gerretsen). The device in the water pipe would take out the plastic before it has a chance to go in the ocean. It would also allow the water to be filtered before humans drink it.
The main benefit of the Ferreira method is that it is very low-cost and it therefore needs less funding and can be done more easily on a larger scale. Another benefit is the high success rate. The success was evaluated by performing around 5000 tests using 10 different types of plastic. He used both spectroscopy and microscopy to evaluate the results. Spectroscopy was used to measure the density of the microplastics and microscopy was used to measure the structure of the microplastics. The predicted results was that the method would be 85% effective however the results show that the ferrofluid and magnet were in fact 87% effective (Sean Fleming). There are minimal risks to the fluid itself however iron oxide does contain its hazards. The fumes can cause a type of flu called metal flu fever, and if in contact for too long the oxide can cause discoloration to the eyes. Moreover, at this stage the long term benefits and the effectiveness on a larger scale were not evaluated. With this product alone, all the plastic will not be removed from the ocean soon enough so more methods and products need to be continued to be invented if there is any chance to save the marine ecosystem.
This solution will create an environmental impact on society that will be both negative and positive. The main negative impact on society will be to add the devices to the water pipes. Even though the cost of the products is likely to be low, many people will not agree to doing this either because they don't trust the product or they do not think it is important. Proving this point is the fact that water filters exist but people still use plastic water dispensers. This leads to the second problem which is that people in society might not take the solution seriously because it was created by a teenager with no qualifications. This credibility however, has improved as Fionn Fereira won the 2019 google science fair, winning 50,000% and Robert Downey Junior, a respected celebrity, also invested in his project. Moreover, if people realize the benefit drinking plastic less water will have on not only the environment but their own health, it will be easier to advertise and enforce the device into society. Another negative impact on the environment due to society is that this solution will not resolve the problem of Microplastics completely. To do this, society needs to reduce the amount of plastic it uses. Not only do citizens need to switch their everyday products and appliances to plastic free or reusable alternatives, but large companies and corporations also need to change.
In conclusion, the Magnetic Ferrofluid invention created by Fionn Fereira helps solve the problem microplastics cause to the environment and to society. Microplastics are causing irreversible damage to the ecosystems, to marine life, to global warming and possibly to human health. The devices in water pipes and boats will remove microplastics from the ocean, hence, helping decontaminate the sea.
Fleming, Sean. "Meet The Teen Science Star Using Magnetic Liquid To Remove Microplastics From Water". World Economic Forum, 2020, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/ocean-plastic-pollution-magnetic-liquid-irish-scientist/.
Gerretsen, Isabelle. "How To Fight Microplastic Pollution With Magnets". Bbc.Com, 2021, https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210825-how-to-fight-microplastic-pollution-with-magne
"How Harmful Are Microplastics?". Science Learning Hub, 2022, https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/2809-how-harmful-are-microplastics.
Martinez, Luzangela, and Bumjung Kim. "Removal Of Microplastics In Water Using Oil-Based Ferrofluid Solution". Njsgc.Rutgers.Edu, 2022, https://njsgc.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/2020-06/NJSGC%20Fellowship%20Poster__Luzangela%20Martinez%20%28NJCU%29_pdf.pdf.
"Microplastics And Climate Change: Our Ocean Needs Bold Decisions - Seas At Risk". Seas At Risk, 2021, https://seas-at-risk.org/general-news/microplastics-and-climate-change-our-ocean-needs-bold-decisions/.
Moore, Sarah. "Using Magnets To Remove Microplastics From Water". Azocleantech.Com, 2022, https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1323.
Rogers, Kara. "Microplastics | Definition, Properties, & Plastic Pollution". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2022, https://www.britannica.com/technology/microplastic.